
Requiem for a Weiner:
1. The Fall

(A haiku series from actual words sent by an actual congressman through Facebook)

Wow, a Jewish girl
Who sucks cock! Thinking about
Fucking your hot mouth.

Ridiculous bulge
In my shorts won't go away.
Taking pics of it.

How did I miss this
Chance to rock your world by phone?
Give me another

This thing is ready
To do damage...I'm like a
Rock. Stalk me, baby.

2. The Actual Big Story

(Found poem from verbatim headlines from the front of Andrew Breitbart's Big Journalism site)

Weiner admits he sent lewd picture; won't resign
Breitbart takes over Anthony Weiner news conference
Big Govt publisher challenges media to name one lie he has told or reported
Weiner: "I apologize to Andrew Breitbart"
Blitzer: "Breitbart vindicated"
Slate: "When he said, 'I apologize to Andrew Breitbart,' I smelled a lie"
CNN anchors talk through Breitbart’s entire appearance at Weiner presser
A seminal day for new media
Order Breitbart's book

(Note: No links provided. Fuck everyone involved in this godforsaken story.)

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